Office of the Inspector General
The mission of the Inspector General is to serve as the eyes, ears, and conscience of the Commanding General. Through the conduct of thorough, objective, and impartial inspections, assessments, assistance, and investigations designed to inform and assist leaders to ensure readiness, effectiveness, efficiencies and to promote the well-being, good order, and discipline for our Soldiers, Families, civilians and other valued customers.
(515) 252-4467
Camp Dodge:
Office of the Iowa National Guard Inspector General
7105 NW 70th Ave
Johnston, Iowa 50131
Bldg JFHQ, Room 176J
Any Department of Army military or civilian member may file an IG complaint; however, many Department of Army Civilian (DAC) complaints (e.g., discrimination, sexual harassment, and conditions of employment) must be addressed by agencies other than the IG. Anyone, including civilians with no Army affiliation, may file Fraud, Waste, and Abuse disclosures. Depending on the circumstances, the IG may also accept complaints from dependents or relatives of active duty and retired military members. However, it is always best for the actual “victim” or person who witnessed the alleged wrongdoing to file the complaint.
- ASSISTANCE: Informal fact-finding in response to requests for help, information, or issues.
- INVESTIGATION & INQUIRIES: Formal fact-finding in response to allegations of violations of laws, regulations, or policy.
- INSPECTIONS: Tailored to meet commander’s needs; focused on systemic issues and root causes for noncompliance.
- TEACHING & TRAINING: Army systems, process, and procedures; standards of behavior/appearance
- Everyone has the right to see the IG (military retirees, family members, civilians)
- No allegation or request for assistance can be ignored
- The IG is not a commander, we are fair and impartial fact finders and problem solvers
- Investigations, inquiries, and inspections are directed by the IG’s Commander (not by the IG)
- IG records cannot be used as the basis for adverse action nor to compare commands or commanders
- Be sure you have a problem, not just a peeve. (Are the cooks turning out lousy chow, or was it just one bad meal?)
- Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem. (Many problems must be addressed to the chain of command for resolution anyway.)
- If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG first. (IGs at higher commands will normally refer the case to the local IG for action.)
- Be honest and don’t provide misleading information. (IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases, and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information.)
- Keep in mind that IGs are not policy makers. (If a policy is flawed, you can submit a proposed change on a DA Form 2028.)
- Keep in mind that IGs can only recommend, not order a resolution. (Only Commanders can order; the role of the IG is to advise the Commander.)
- Remember IGs can only resolve a case on the basis of fact. (Your claim that a supervisor has violated the rules doesn’t make it fact. A claim must be supported with evidence.)
- Don’t expect instant action on your request. Be patient. (Investigations take time, and IGs tend to have heavy workloads.)
- Be prepared to take “no,” for the answer. (In either case, “yes” or “no,” the IG will explain why.)